Chocolate Orange Marble Cake #CakeSliceBakers
December is always free choice month for the Cake Slice Bakers. Some years I know early on which cake I'll bake in December; other years I find myself flipping pages, looking for a recipe that calls my name. This year was the second kind. I was looking for a cake that was something I hadn't made before and that I had all the ingredients on hand. I finally settled on the Chocolate Orange Marble cake. The recipe has you make one batter, divide it into two sections, and then flavor one with melted chocolate and the other with orange. You then put the orange batter in a loaf pan, top it with the chocolate, and use a spoon to try to marble it. After baking, you slowly add an orange flavored simple syrup to the cake while it's still hot. Once cool, remove from the pan, slice, and enjoy. This is a delicious and fairly easy-to-make cake. Both the chocolate and the orange flavors were present, one not overwhelming the other. I opted for dark chocolate (70% cocoa), but you could cer...