Hot Chocolate and Halva Pudding #CakeSliceBakers
This month I felt the need for something rich and chocolatey. This Hot Chocolate and Halva Pudding was just what the season ordered. It had a rich, dark chocolate cake with a gooey chocolate pudding-like layer hiding underneath. Mixed into the cake layer were bits of Halva and chocolate chips. I served it about 10 minutes after taking it out of the oven. The recipe suggests serving with whipped cream or ice cream, but we just ate it plan. I did have a small bit leftover that I reheated in the microwave for breakfast the next morning, and it was still delicious. Another recommendation in the cookbook is to swirl in tahini for an extra sesame bite. I did not do that, but as I was tasting, I was struck by how good this might be with peanut butter chips and a swirl of peanut butter or Nutella in the cake. I imagine you could change up the recipe to suite any chocolate combination. Each month The Cake Slice Bakers are offered a selection of cakes f...