
Showing posts from February, 2019

Banoffee Cake #CakeSliceBakers

For my February bake with the Cake Slice Bakers, I chose to bake something for a small Super Bowl Party we were having at our house.  The Banoffee Cake from The European Cake Cookbook  seemed like a great choice as one of our guests hails from England.  The original Banoffee Pie is claimed to have been invented in England in 1971.  The name comes from the combination of Banana and Toffee - two of the three key ingredients in the pie, the other being whipped cream. The cake base is a simple cake with finely chopped pecans added. Cut the cake layers in half to get four layers all together and then top each layer with toffee, sliced bananas, whipped cream, and a sprinkling of cocoa power. The toffee in my cake is actually a can of Nestle's Dulce de Leche.  I was a little suspicious, but the stuff was amazing! The cake was a huge hit. Even my banana-hating son gobbled it up.  We had some left that went into the refrigerator where it was completely e...