Chocolate-Espresso Dacquoise #CakeSliceBaker
December represents the finishing of one cake book and the preparing for new one. I have really enjoyed baking out of The Perfect Cake . I have used several of their recipes for a special treat for my family (the microwave mug cakes were early favorites) as well as meal enders for special occasions. The clear instructions have given me courage to try baking cakes that went a little beyond my usual comfort zone. The Cake Slice Bakers have a tradition of allowing each baker free choice of any recipe in that year's cook book for our December bake. I chose a cake that had tempted me back in February but definitely felt outside my abilities, the Chocolate-Espresso Dacquoise. A dacquoise is a meringue that has finely chopped nuts folded in before baking. For this cake, there are hazelnuts and almonds added to the meringue. Often, you bake each layer separately, but America's Test Kitchen recommends baking one long sheet and then cutting into four ...