
Showing posts from 2016

Yule Log, Takes 1 and 2

Inspired by an article in the Washington Post, I decided this would be the Christmas to attempt a Yule Log. Their cake was a vanilla cake with nutella filling and whipped cream topping.  We're a chocolate family, so I spent some time searching for an alternate recipe.  I finally decided on the cake recipe from Bon Appetit, but decided to fill it with a chocolate Mascarpone mouse.  The recipe said to bake for 10-12 minutes at 375.  I checked at 10 minutes, and it was obviously finished.  That recipe has you pre-roll, let cool, unroll and then paint with a simple syrup before spreading on the filling.  the cake was definitely over-cooked, and it completely fell apart when I attempted to re-roll it filled. Attempt two: same recipe for the cake, but I lowered the temperature to 350.  Also, I followed the technique in World Class Cakes of painting when it first comes out of the oven, filling, and then rolling inside the towel.  I had issues with ...